Benefits of Using Infographics in Your Content Marketing Strategy

by | Last updated Mar 19, 2024 | Digital Marketing

Read Time: 3 min read

Summary: TL;DR: Infographics boost learning and readership, making them essential for content marketing. They simplify complex concepts, increase shareability, enhance brand recognition, improve SEO rankings, repurpose old content efficiently, generate leads for email marketing, and track marketing results effectively. With 65% of buyers being visual learners, infographics offer a compelling way to engage audiences and drive traffic. By utilizing infographics strategically, brands can elevate their content marketing efforts and see significant growth in engagement and brand visibility across various platforms. Incorporating infographics into your strategy can lead to increased website traffic, backlinks, and customer conversions, ultimately strengthening your online presence and audience engagement. **Check out Hurrdat's content marketing services to enhance your brand's reach and impact. Contact them today for more information!**

Using visuals like infographics in your content marketing strategy not only increases learning and retention by 78%, but also increases readership by 80%. Here are seven ways infographics can benefit your brand’s content marketing strategy.

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Easily Explain Concepts

Since 65% of buyers are visual learners, potential customers are more likely to absorb facts, data, and information if that content is shown as a visual aid, such as an image or video. Infographics distill content into bite-sized pieces of data—whether that’s through charts, pictographs, timelines, or other graphic formats—which allows you to tell complex stories and share complicated data in a way that’s easy for your audience to understand.

Make Content Shareable

As a content marketer, you want as many people as possible to see, read, and engage with your content. Because infographics are the most liked and shared content on social media, you’re more likely to see engagement if you present content in infographic form. To encourage people across multiple platforms to share your infographics, add embed codes or include social sharing buttons.

Grow Brand Recognition

If you brand shareable content well, you can increase brand awareness using the mere-exposure effect—a phenomenon that shows people develop a preference for a brand just by seeing its name in the background of their daily lives. Since infographics are more memorable than plain text, they can encourage potential customers to make positive associations with your brand long before they’re ready to make a purchasing decision. To brand your infographics, use identifiable logos, colors, fonts, and styles that are unique to your business. Your infographics can also include brand names, website links, and social media handles for further brand recognition across the web.

Improve Search Engine Rank

If you’re a content marketer looking to build web authority, using infographics in your marketing strategy can help make that happen. For example, if they rank well on Google Image searches, infographics can drive more traffic to your website—especially when you use image-optimizing techniques like alt-text and structured data. Plus, blog posts with infographics averaged 178% more inbound links and 72% more views than all other posts, making them a useful tool for the content marketer looking to build a quality backlink profile. Also known as inbound links, backlinks are a positive signal to Google that your site is authoritative and credible. And if users follow those backlinks, you’ll gain organic website traffic, too!

Repurpose Old Content

You’ve already done plenty of work on past content marketing topics, so why not get extra mileage out of that effort by repurposing old content into highly-shareable infographics? This content marketing tactic can save time since you won’t have to brainstorm new topics or start from scratch. Instead, you can pull content from past blog posts, ebooks, webpages, and more that your brand has published and make them into tons of infographics.

Generate Leads for Email Marketing

You can use your digital marketing infographics to grow your email list in email marketing campaigns. Simply set up a website widget that offers a free, high-quality PDF download of your infographic in exchange for users’ email addresses. After you’ve introduced those new leads into your content marketing funnel, you have a significant opportunity to convert them into dedicated readers and customers with quality educational content that persuades people to continue following the buyer’s journey with your brand.

Track Marketing Results

One benefit of creating infographic content is that it’s easier to track results and understand user behavior compared to other content you may be putting out. From the number of downloads and emails collected to the backlinks from embeds and clicks on social media posts featuring infographics, you can get a good idea of how your infographic content—and content topics overall—are performing, which can help you replicate what works well in other digital marketing areas.

Need help with your content marketing strategy? Hurrdat offers content marketing services that can help your brand reach your target audience. Contact us today to learn more!

Sierra Karst


Sierra Karst is a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategist at Hurrdat, where she specializes in enhancing website and blog visibility for clients ranging from small, local businesses to S&P 500 companies. She enjoys analyzing performance data and creating comprehensive optimization plans that consider user experience and intent, search engine algorithms and ranking signals, and web development best practices. Sierra utilizes her skills in a wide range of SEO tasks, including auditing and building internal links, optimizing on-page content to improve user experience and conversion rates, devising and implementing site redirect plans, identifying and resolving technical SEO issues, informing SEO-optimized content strategies, and more.

Sierra got her start in content creation and strategy at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where she pursued a Bachelor of Journalism degree and several digital marketing internships. She continues to love all that Nebraska offers, from its vibrant local food scene and picturesque prairie hikes to countless opportunities to engage with community-building organizations.

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