Spring Clean Your Social Media with These 5 Tips

by | Last updated Dec 12, 2022 | Digital Marketing

Read Time: 4 min read

Summary: TL;DR: Spring is here, time for digital marketers to spring clean their social media! Reevaluate goals, audit strategies, review platforms, conduct competitive analysis, and update profiles. Analyze social analytics, ensure brand alignment, and engage with authentic followers. Learn from competitors but don't copy. Refresh images, update bios, and ensure accurate business info. Hurrdat offers social media audit services to help brands succeed in reaching their audience effectively. Stay on track and make the most of your online presence this season!

Birds are chirping, flowers are blooming, and the weather is getting warmer. That’s spring calling! And it also means it’s time to tackle spring cleaning!

For most people, “spring cleaning” means doing a deep clean of their home. For marketers and businesses with digital marketing strategies, however, it’s a chance to clean up our online profiles and check in with our marketing efforts. With social media in particular, this means diving deep into our social media channels and making sure we’re hitting our goals.

Here are five simple ideas that can help you spring clean your social media presence!

Reevaluate Your Social Media Goals

Your first priority should be to look at what goals you set when you launched your social media channels. Are you achieving what you set out to do? Are the goals you’ve set still right for your business? If you’re off-track, what can you do to get yourself back on track?

At times, these questions can be difficult to answer, especially when you’re falling short. But that just means you need to adjust your social media marketing strategy, not start over. Four months into a new year isn’t the right time to scrap everything. Instead take the things that are working, define what’s still attainable, and remold your strategy to help those goals be successful over the next few months!

And if you’ve exceeded your goals, try setting new ones or reevaluating whether the goals you previously set were too easy. Good work can always be better, so reach higher and think bigger.

Audit Your Social Media Strategy

If you’re not big on going through social media analytics, now’s the time to really start digging in. It might seem boring, but surprisingly, your social analytics can tell you a lot about how your strategy is going. There are so many tools out there that help you analyze your social media performance that make it easy to visualize successes and come up with better goals.

Keep in mind that not all social media platforms utilize the same analytics. Review each channel’s audience and see how they’re responding to your posts. Analytics help you understand who your audience is and how you can turn those followers into customers.

Review Your Social Platforms

You want to make sure your social media marketing efforts support your brand’s goals, vision, and mission. If you feel like there are some that aren’t on brand or if they could potentially be controversial, now’s the opportunity to archive your posts.

Another opportunity is to look at who’s following your pages. Are your page followers authentic, or do you have some fake followers that you need to weed out? On the opposite side of following, make sure you’re following relevant accounts and groups. Add yourself to industry-related groups on Facebook and LinkedIn or Twitter Lists.

Conduct a Competitive Analysis

Oscar Wilde once wrote “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.” Make sure you don’t interpret that incorrectly and think stealing everything your competitor doing is going to be included into your social media strategy.

Instead, learn from your competitors’ successes. Choose three to five competitors and do a complete social media competitor analysis. Answer questions like:

  • How many people follow their social platforms?
  • What kind of content and ads are their audiences responding to?
  • Are their audiences similar to yours?

This way, you can better analyze their activity compared to yours, understand strategy updates they’ve made, and even identify new competitors entering the market.

Update Your Social Media Profiles

How you present yourself on social media can play a big role in both landing new followers and also maintaining current follower counts. Start with images associated with your accounts. If your profile picture or cover photo is older than two years, it’s time to update. Make sure you use high-resolution images that are sized correctly. A bad profile picture or incorrectly sized image tells potential customers that you don’t know what you’re doing.

Next, take a look at your “About” sections. This is the place to tell your story. If someone is finding your business on social media without ever visiting your website, this is your chance to intrigue your potential audience and hopefully convince them that they should follow you.

On top of updating your bio, also make sure your company information is accurate. Double-check that your website URL is correct, along with business hours, contact information, and services offered. It’s easy to overlook these areas when your business is going through changes, but this can have major implications on customer trust. If business information is incorrect, they’ll go elsewhere.

Need help adjusting your current social media strategy? Hurrdat can help you perform a full social media audit to ensure your brand is on the right track and reaching the right audience. Learn more about our Social Media Marketing agency services!

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