9 Tips for Writing & Designing Better Website CTAs

by | Last updated Mar 19, 2024 | Digital Marketing

Read Time: 4 min read

Summary: TL;DR: Improve your website's calls-to-action with these copywriting and web design tips. Use action words like "Subscribe Now" and create FOMO with phrases like "Sale Ends Monday." Design-wise, ensure ADA compliance and strategic placement of CTAs. Make them stand out with design cues and test different elements through A/B testing. By enhancing user experience and optimizing conversions, you can drive more engagement and achieve your website goals effectively. Contact Hurrdat Marketing for content marketing and web design services to elevate your online presence.

Not sure how to create good calls-to-action on your website? With these copywriting and web design tips, you can create engaging CTAs that grab attention and drive more conversions on your website!

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Copywriting Tips for CTAs

An easy place to start when improving calls-to-action is with the copy you’re writing. If you’re creating copy that’s confusing, too long, not actionable, or lacking urgency, you won’t see the results you’re hoping for on your website. Below are a few ideas for how you can write better CTA copy.

Use Action Words

If you’re trying to compel people to take action, use actionable language that tells them exactly what they need to do. Whether it’s for a button, link, header, or body text, use verbs to capture attention and provide direction. For example:

  • Subscribe Now
  • Schedule an Appointment
  • Download Our Menu
  • Join Our Network

Try First-Person Language

One way to grab and keep a potential customer’s attention with CTAs is to cater your content around their voice. This creates a customer experience that puts them at the center. With words like my, mine, me, and I in your calls-to-action, you can craft a more personalized connection. For example:

  • Get My Custom Quote
  • Book My Flight
  • Find My Hotel Room
  • Sign Me Up

Create FOMO

The fear of missing out (or FOMO) can be an effective motivator for call-to-action phrases. When people think they might miss out on an incredible opportunity that may not occur again, they’re more likely to take action. When writing CTA copy, try time-sensitive or urgent language that gives people a little push. For example:

  • Only 15 Items Left
  • Sale Ends Monday
  • This Offer Expires in 5 Minutes
  • Book Now for 20% Off

Feed Curiosity

Is there additional information or great deals waiting on the other side of a call-to-action link or button? Try stirring up some curiosity with your CTA copy! By building anticipation, you’re more likely to drive clicks or even phone calls. For example:

  • Find Answers Here
  • Get Details Now
  • See Deal in Cart
  • Call to Learn More

Showcase Value

If your website offers subscriptions or sells products, you may find using CTAs that highlight special offers or deals can drive more purchases from online customers. Be sure to showcase the value of your deals in your call-to-action copy. For example:

  • Sign Up for Free
  • Buy for $29.99
  • Start Your Free Trial
  • Get First Month Free

Web Design Tips for CTAs

Creating strong CTAs isn’t just about the copy you use; it’s also in how you design and place actionable elements on webpages across your site. If website visitors don’t know where they’re supposed to go to take action, your conversion goals will take a hit. Here are some ways to improve CTA design on your website.

Follow ADA Compliance

Website calls-to-action should be ADA compliant. Not only is this required by law through the Americans with Disabilities Act, but it’s also among best practices for user experience. Make sure that CTA buttons and links are accessible for screen readers by using clear, concise language (e.g., Contact Our Office, Learn More About Our Services) and text colors that have enough contrast against the color of your background.

Choose Good Locations

Be strategic about where you place website calls-to-action buttons and links. Whether it’s at the top of a page, bottom of a page, under product descriptions, in sidebars, or in your main navigation, you’ll want to ensure your site visitors can find exactly what they’re looking for. If you’re not sure where the best location for a CTA is, use heat mapping to see where visitors to your website are most active on webpages.

Make CTAs Stand Out

Once you’ve determined where your calls-to-action will live on various pages across your website, use design cues to draw attention to these actionable items on the page. You could try surrounding CTAs with more white space, using contrasting colors for CTA buttons, giving CTA text more weight, or even simply adding a CTA element right below a section of text that urges the site visitor to take action.

Test Calls-to-Action

When in doubt, utilize A/B testing (also called split testing). Test placement, copy, size, style, and color alike and monitor the results of interactions with CTA elements to ensure that they’re working as intended. If you notice an uptick in clicks, calls, form submissions, product purchases, or other conversions with a particular call-to-action, then you can safely assume that it’s grabbing attention and driving the action you want.

Need help with improving user experience and conversion rate optimization on your website? Hurrdat Marketing offers content marketing services and web design services that can help you get the results you’re looking for. Contact us today to learn more!

Megan Schneider


Megan is a Content Strategist at Hurrdat, where she helps write content for local and national clients. Projects Megan has worked on include paid landing pages, website copy, optimized pillar pages, and blog work. Through her work, Megan conducts competitive analyses, title tag and meta data optimization, and search-engine-optimized keyword research. Megan began her writing career as an Online Reporter at the University of Nebraska-Omaha’s student newspaper, The Gateway.

Megan lives in Omaha, NE, graduated from the University of Nebraska-Omaha with a major in Journalism, and enjoys creating content for her fashion blog, spending time with family, and watching reality TV shows.

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