The 7 Best Features to Add to Your Mobile Retail App

by | Last updated Jun 21, 2022 | Digital Marketing, Web Design

Read Time: 3 min read

Summary: TL;DR: A mobile retail app is more than just an extension of your website; it's a tool to enhance consumer experience and boost profits. According to a YouGov poll, the top features consumers want include price checks for transparency, item availability updates for quick decisions, comparison shopping for informed choices, product demos for visualizing purchases, built-in customer service for convenience, shopping lists for planning, and store maps for easy navigation. These features not only cater to consumer needs but also increase trust and loyalty towards your brand, ultimately driving sales and enhancing the overall shopping experience.

When building a mobile app for your retail business, keep in mind that it’s not just an extension of your website to help your business see more profits—it’s a place for consumers to find what they need quickly. Here are the seven of the best mobile retail app features you can have (according to a February YouGov poll) and why they’re important to consumers and retailers alike.

1. Price Check

Being the “most wanted” feature for consumers, having the ability to price check an item is a necessity. Consumers like being able to see how much something costs because it helps them decide whether or not they will make a purchase. The option to price check items also means your business comes off as more trustworthy because you’re transparent with your products.

2. Item Availability

Consumers want to be sure that an item is available for purchase, whether they’re walking into your store or buying online. By including information in product listings that tells consumers when a certain number of items are left, if the item is sold out, or if more items will be in soon, consumers are more likely to make purchases immediately, as well as return when the item is in stock.

3. Comparison Shopping

Comparison shopping has become a large piece of the purchasing process. Consumers want to be able to compare multiple items your business carries, as well as the items your competitors carry, in order to decide which they like best. Also, seeing everything in one place means consumers are less likely to visit other apps or websites, so there’s more of a chance they’ll purchase from you.

4. Product Demos

Consumers often go into stores to see how a product works or looks before they purchase. With a product demo, you can bypass this entirely. Having a product demo on top of images of the item, its price, and whether or not it’s in stock may make consumers feel more inclined to “buy now.”

5. Customer Service

Having a customer service element build directly into your mobile app can make solving issues much simpler. This way, a consumer doesn’t have to leave the app to search for a phone number or email address to contact you. Plus, they’ll enjoy the convenience of “click to call.”

6. Shopping List

By adding a shopping list feature to your mobile app, you give consumers the chance to find what they need over time and create a list of items that they’re interested in. Not to mention, you can prompt them to buy all of the items at once or buy portions at a time and save the rest for later.

7. Store Map

While it may be the least “wanted” feature on a mobile app, a store map can save consumers time. If your physical store is new or recently remodeled, showing people where they can find what they usually buy creates a more positive in-store shopping experience. Though not as many people care for this feature, it could play a role in whether or not those who do decide to shop with you.

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